Law Office of Nicholas R. Webb, RN, DNP, ESQ

Law Office of
Nicholas R. Webb, RN, DNP, ESQ
Nurse. Lawyer. Veteran.

My Focus is Healthcare Law

Who I am
I am a nurse and attorney in the state of California. I have worked for public, private, for profit, not-for-profit, and non-profit healthcare organizations. I have a doctorate in nursing practice and am board-certified in multiple nursing specialties.
What I do
I am a fighter. Always have been, always will be. I believe in fighting for what is right and going the extra mile to make my clients happy. I deal with the other parties, courts, administrative agencies and regulatory bodies on behalf of my clients. My clients' cases don't get lost in an office pile--I know my clients' cases inside and out.
Why you should contact me
I could give you some canned, scripted answer as to why you should contact me. However, the real reason you should contact me is because I am passionate and knowledgeable about healthcare law. I care for my clients, am responsive, and treat your case as if I was the client.
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